On 7 and 9 June 2021, PROCULTHER project has planned a virtual international workshop entitled: “Defining European Technical and Operational Capacities for the Protection of Cultural Heritage at Risk of Disaster”.
Being an initiative within the framework of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), this event is part of the activities intended to sustain and complement the efforts made by the European Union in strengthening cooperation between EU Members and 6 Participating States (Iceland, Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Turkey) to develop and improve technical and operational capacities for the safeguard of cultural heritage at risk of disaster at local, national and European level.
During the last months, the project partners have been elaborating the document “Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies” whose objective is to advance preparedness and response activities to include cultural heritage protection in all the phases of the disaster risk management – DRM cycle at European level.
With the aim to consolidate a European perspective in this field, the two-day international workshop has been conceived, on one hand, to provide for a space of discussion on the elements currently proposed by the PROCULTHER project, and, on the other, to serve as a showcase for the inclusion of other lessons learnt and best practices that can enrich and make the European approach more effective in the sector of cultural heritage protection.
Even if the international workshop is particularly addressed to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism – UCPM Members and Participating States, the event is also open to all interested Countries – including non–European -, International Organisations and actors called to contribute with their own relevant experience and practice to the further development of the “Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies”. A coordination among Civil protection/DRM authorities and cultural heritage stakeholders is strongly encouraged to allow a comprehensive collection of best practices and lessons learnt at each national level.
A questionnaire has been set up to collect the most explanatory case studies to be presented during the first day of the workshop as a learning base for the discussion of the second day that will focus on the revision of the “Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies”.
The event will be broadcast via live streaming through the PROCULTHER dedicated web page: on 7 June, it will start from 13h30 CET and on 9 June 2021 from 9h CET. There are no registration fees or other charges for participation.
Interested contributors and workshop attendees should register online before the deadline of 25 May 2021.
Finally, PROCULTHER aspires to involve in this international workshop the widest range of stakeholders, therefore in addition to the active contributors and registered participants, the event is open to non-registered audience that will be able to follow the live event and interact with the participants through the messaging services provided by the videoconferencing platform.
Do you want to know more about our event and its objectives to see if you are interested in participating actively as contributor or only by following the debate as registered participant?
Go through the consultable versions of the questionnaire and registration form available below for downloading and find your role. When you are ready, go through the online versions and join the PROCULTHER community!
Save the dates of 7 and 9 June 2021 for the international workshop and stay tuned also through the project’s social media to be regularly updated, further details on the event are available through the webpage dedicated.
Access the webpage of the International Workshop!
International Workshop Dossier
Workshop Concept Note
Agenda of the two-day international workshop
Off-line versions of the Questionnaire and Registration form (for consultation only)
On-line version of the Registration Form
On-line versions of the Questionnaire and Registration form