The PROCULTHER Consortium officially launches the call for contributions to inform the International Workshop on “Defining European Technical and Operational Capacities for the Protection of Cultural Heritage at Risk of Disaster” organised in virtual mode on 7 and 9 June 2021.
Being an initiative within the framework of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), this two-day event is particularly addressed to the UCPM Members and Participating States but also open to all interested Countries – including non–European -, International Organisations and actors with relevant practice in the development of methods and tools in this field or simply willing to be part of the event’s objectives.
Active contributor, registered participant, or simple audience of the international workshop?
If you want to find out which role suits you best, go through the event’s concept note and agenda and then access the questionnaire drawn up with the purpose of collecting all proposed practices dealing with the same topics addressed by the chapters composing the document “Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies”, namely Institutional framework, Planning the inclusion of Cultural Heritage in all the phases of Disaster Risk Management, Coordinated structure, Teams, Tools and Data management systems, Training and Exercises.
While compiling the questionnaire at national level, it is strongly encouraged that the Civil protection/DRM authorities and cultural heritage stakeholders coordinate each other to allow a comprehensive collection of best practices and lessons learnt. Based on specific criteria such as cross-sectoral cooperation and interoperability, consolidated approach and ownership, innovation, context-based approaches and cross-cutting issues, the most meaningful practices and experiences will be presented during the first day of the international workshop.
There are no registration fees or other charges required to participate, interested contributors and workshop attendees should register online before the deadline of 30 May 2021. In addition, non-registered audience members will be able to access the live broadcast by clicking on the thumbnail here below and interact with the participants through the messaging services provided by the videoconferencing platform.
1st DAY – 7 JUNE 2021
Capitalising on Existing Experiences to build shared European Tools to Protect Cultural Heritage at Risk of Disaster
Livestreaming from 13h30 to 18:00 CET
Presentation of existing capacities at European and International level
2nd DAY 9 JUNE 2021
Building on Existing Technical and Operational Capacities at International and European level
Livestreaming from 9:00 to 15:30 CET
Revision of the European methodology proposed by the PROCULTHER project
International Workshop Dossier
Workshop Concept Note
Agenda of the two-day international workshop
Book of Abstracts and Short Resumé
Questionnaire off-line version