On 15-16 October PROCULTHER was launched for the first time at European level, the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) was in fact invited to the First meeting of the Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage. The forum was established with the objective of sharing experiences and lessons learnt by European stakeholders involved in the development of national, European and international legislation, programs and policies in the fields of art, culture and cultural heritage protection. The decision to gather this group of experts emerged from the political dialogue developed during the European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018) with the intent of providing advice and expertise to the Commission. Indeed these meetings will represent a forum for the consultation and exchange of information on cultural heritage policies and will provide the European institutions with key elements for assessing the implementation of the European framework for action for cultural heritage. Veronica Piacentini – PROCULTHER’s cultural heritage expert within the DPC – and Project Manager – Tiziana Vicario, after introducing the complex Italian Civil Protection System, had the chance to share with the participants the main features and expected results of our project, and the results of Protecting Mediterranean Cultural Heritage during Disasters – PROMEDHE, the project carried out from 2016 to 2018 by the Consortium led by the DPC with the Civil Protection Authorities of Cyprus, Jordan, Israel and Palestine and the administrative management of Villa Montesca.