PROCULTHER: A joint European effort to reinforce the protection of cultural heritage at risk of disaster

More than 70 Disaster Risk Managers and Cultural Heritage Experts from UCPM and International Organisations take stock of the situation and set the scene for the future On December 15th, Fabrizio Curcio, Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, welcomed more than 70 participants in the PROCULTHER Final Outreach Conference convened to close the 3

Follow up and outcomes from the PROCULTHER Pilot International Training Module on the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage during Emergency – November 2021

Around 30 lecturers trained the first 40 professionals from the disaster risk management and cultural heritage sectors gathered to exchange practices, operational tools and lessons learnt in the field The recently closed International Training Module on the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage during Emergency, held in virtual mode on 8-9-17-22-23 and 26 November